AC Dog Academy - Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions

1.1. "Company" refers to AC Dog Academy. 1.2. "Client" refers to the individual or entity booking services with the Company. 1.3. "Services" refers to dog training classes, 1-2-1 sessions, behaviour consultations, and additional sports activities provided by the Company. 1.4. "Dog" refers to the canine pet of the Client participating in the Services.

2. Booking and Payment
2.1. All bookings must be made in advance, by bank transfer, by phone, text or email. 2.2. A non-refundable deposit of 20% of the total fee is required to confirm and book a session. 2.3. Full payment must be made at least 5 days before the Services begin. 2.4. If full payment is not received, the Client’s place will not be held or confirmed. 2.5. Payments can be made via cash, bank transfer. 2.6. Clients will pay upfront for the number of sessions they want, and applicable discounts for packages will be applied. 2.7. Do not knowingly book a dog that shows aggression or nervousness in any shape or form onto training classes or workshops. If you are unsure, any owner is welcome to contact the Academy to determine if your dog is suitable for a class environment. 2.8. Owners are welcome to book with multiple dogs, but each dog must be booked onto the course separately and must have at least one handler over the age of 18. 2.9. Dogs must be fully vaccinated with proof available, to attend any of the services provided. In any situation where dogs are in close contact with each other there is the risk of transmission of infectious diseases like kennel cough. Vaccinations reduce but do not eliminate the risk of infection. This means that bringing your dog you are accepting these risks and therefore if your dog becomes ill, cannot undertake a claim against the AC Dog Academy.  2.10. If a class session is missed, the week cannot be repeated and therefore the owner forsakes the money paid for that week. This does not mean they have to forsake the rest of the course and are welcome to return to the next week in their course. If a behaviour or 1-2-1 session is missed the owner forsakes this session and the money they pre-paid for it. 2.11. Online sessions are available via Zoom meetings. Some classes or sessions may be moved online and these will not be refunded if clients do not turn up. notice will be given of any change in enough time to allow for the cancellation policy to occur. 2.12. AC Dog Academy offers packages for 1-2-1 training sessions and behaviour consultations. Packages must be paid for in full at the time of booking to receive the discounted rate. Packages are non-transferable and non-refundable once the first session has commenced. All sessions within a package must be used within 6 months from the date of purchase.

3. Cancellations and Refunds
3.1. Cancellations made more than 48 hours before the scheduled Service will receive a refund minus the non-refundable deposit. 3.2. Cancellations made less than 48 hours before the scheduled Service are non-refundable. 3.3. Clients can reschedule their sessions once with 48 hours’ notice. If less than 48 hours’ notice is given, the session will be considered a no-show and no refund or rescheduling will be provided. 3.4. If the Company cancels a session, a full refund will be provided, or the Client can choose to reschedule at no additional cost.

4. Client Responsibilities
4.1. The Client must ensure their dog is in good health and up to date with vaccinations before attending any sessions and if their dog is showing any signs of illness they will not bring their dog to the group sessions. 4.2. The Client agrees to follow the Company’s instructions and training techniques during sessions and at home. 4.3. The Client is responsible for any damage caused by their dog to property or individuals during the Services. 4.4. The Client must inform the Company of any behavioural issues or medical conditions their dog has prior to the session. 4.5. Aggressive dogs will not be admitted to classes and will require individual behaviour consultations and sessions. 4.6. Required equipment includes flat collars with up-to-date identification as required by law and flat leads. Optional equipment includes a no-pull harnesses.

5. Liability
5.1. The Company is not liable for any injuries or damages sustained by the Client, their dog, or any third parties during the provision of Services. 5.2. The Company is not liable for any loss, injury, or death of the dog during the Services unless caused by the Company’s negligence. 5.3. The Client agrees to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any claims arising out of their dog’s behaviour.

6. Confidentiality and Privacy
6.1. The Company respects Client confidentiality and will not disclose personal information to third parties without prior consent. 6.2. The Company may use anonymised data for training and marketing purposes.

7. Code of Conduct
7.1. The Client agrees to conduct themselves in a respectful manner during sessions. 7.2. Aggressive or abusive behaviour towards staff or other clients will not be tolerated and may result in termination of Services without refund. 7.3. Permission must be asked before interacting with another dog and maintaining a safe distance from others to ensure everyone's safety. 7.3. Photos may be taken during class or sessions for promotional purposes, clients consent to the use of such images and videos being taken and used without compensation. Clients, unless they provide a written document, give consent to use these photos.

8. Intellectual Property
8.1. All training materials provided by the Company are the intellectual property of the Company and must not be reproduced or distributed without written consent.

9. Health and Safety
9.1. Clients must ensure they arrive 10-15 minutes before the session starts to ensure they gain their full hour of training. 9.2. If late, the session time will not be extended, and the session will proceed as scheduled. 9.3. Clients must follow all health and safety guidelines provided by the Company.

10. Feedback and Communication
10.1. Clients can provide feedback via email, contact form, or Google reviews on the business page. 10.2. Follow-up sessions will count as an additional session if the client requires the coach in person. However, phone call follow-ups and a report will be provided within 10 working days of the 1-2-1 or behavioural session. 10.3. Any complaints must be made in writing to and the company will aim to resolve complaints promptly and fairly.

11. Acceptance of Terms
11.1. By booking a Service with AC Dog Academy, the Client acknowledges and agrees to these terms and conditions. 11.2. Clients have the option to read these terms and conditions online and will be given a copy in the confirmation email. By making a payment and attending a session, clients confirm they understand the risks and agree that the academy and coach will not be liable.

12. Additional Provisions
12.1. Behavioral consultations include an initial call plus a consultation. If the coach feels unable to help the client during the initial call, the client will be referred to another dog behaviour professional. A deposit will be taken for this call, but the remaining balance can be refunded. 12.2. Before the initial call, a history form will be sent to the client, which needs to be filled out before the session date. This form will gather information about the dog, client, vet, and the issues they are facing.

13. Governing Law 12.1. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales. 12.2. Any disputes arising under these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

14. Amendments 13.1. AC Dog Academy reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. 13.2. Clients will be notified of any changes in advance.

By enrolling in our dog training classes, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms and Conditions.